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A new business opportunity – The Carpenters Yard

Buscot and Coleshill Farm Shop

Drop in Monday 8th August 2022, between 3.00pm and 5.30pm

Some of you may have attended our tenants’ business meeting last autumn when Christian Walker, the West Oxfordshire General Manager, outlined his vison for MADE@B&C or have seen the Spring newsletter giving you an update.

The idea is for the National Trust to provide a retail space, such as a farm shop and/or other spaces, for the promotion and sale of items produced locally on the Estate by our tenants. As well as having confidence in locally sourced goods, food miles can be reduced .

It is exciting to be able to announce that the National Trust is now a step closer to offering space within the Carpenter’s Yard to enable this. The yard is now available for development into a destination for visitors and locals alike.

The Carpenters Canteen is well established and attracts many visitors, many of whom enjoy regular walks within the estate. The Timberyard meeting room in the Carpenters Yard and other meetings rooms on site are widely used by The National Trust and other organisations. The Heritage Skills Centre is expanding and offering an increasingly wider variety of exciting courses to help save rural skills from being lost. There are also new tenants in the Radnor Arms. All of activities increase the potential footfall for a new business.

There are also plans to extend the number of car parking spaces by using the adjoining countryside yard.

The intention is that this would not be something that the National Trust would directly manage or run but they would give their support to others to do so. For example, The National Trust may be able to find internal innovation funding that may support vending machines. This could support direct marketing of milk or other products such as local honey.

On the 8th of August between 3pm and 5.30pm we will be holding an open drop-in session where we would be very pleased to show you the space and share any ideas.

Please contact Helen Wainwright, Rural Surveyor for expressions of interest and further details.

Author: admin