Summer Social – Private Evening Tour of Buscot Park
Event Date:
20 July 2023
Event Time:
7:00 pm
Event Location:
Buscot Park, SN7 8BU
Summer Social – Private Evening Tour of Buscot Park by kind permission of Lord Faringdon and his family
Thursday 20th July at 7.00pm
David Feeman the consultant curator of the Faringdon Collection Trust will give a private tour of the interior of Buscot Park (SN7 8BU) followed by drinks and canapés. Meet in the main visitor car park by the ticket office/stable block then walk up to the front steps of the house.
If time allows we will continue socialising at The Trout Inn, St John’s Bridge on the way back to Lechlade.
Members, family and friends are welcome.
Sorry, this event is expired and no longer available.