Bob Warren was a keen supporter of the Fairford & Lechlade Biz Club, and often hosted club events at The Trout Inn, which he ran for many years with his wife Penny (who, of course, is still very much the landlady, and friend to the Biz Club.) Bob coupled the old-fashioned virtues enshrined in ‘hospitality’, with the innovation necessary to prosper. Indeed, when he won our Most Innovative Business award, in 2012, the citation read: “landlord Bob Warren had shown particular innovation by diversifying to attract new customers and keep them coming back. Some of the attractions at the pub included classic boats, live steam and tractor events, concerts, plays and even Gifford’s Circus!”
After Bob’s death in 2015, a new award was introduced in his memory: The Bob Warren Hospitality Award, which set out to identify: “the hospitality venue (café, pub, restaurant, B&B or hotel etc) that best demonstrates the wonderful spirit of Bob Warren – offering great hospitality, excellent customer service, a warm and friendly atmosphere and providing a fantastic all-round experience.” And thus in 2017, the very first award was won by the 7a Coffee Shop in Fairford.
Now the Biz Club needs your help to identify a worthy winner to receive this year’s award. Please email us your list of up to four favourite venues (but fewer is fine) with that same spark of excellent all-round hospitality. Absolutely no explanation is necessary, just the venue names, and the only stipulation is that they should be known to you personally, and be in Fairford or Lechlade or anywhere within 5 or 6 miles of either.
Based on members’ nominations, we will then compile a shortlist of the most popular choices, and ask members to vote for the winner.
So, first things first, and we need up to four of your favourite hospitality venues anywhere in the area… Please email with your list by 15th March.