“There are times in life when it’s wise to take stock of where you are. Goals that made sense ten years ago when you were ten years younger, might no longer make sense when you’re approaching 74.
There’s a time to invest more money and more time. There’s also a time to stop behaving as if you’re immortal. There’s a time when that “never say die” attitude, that determination to succeed becomes sheer stubbornness, when further depletion of financial reserves turns into a form of financial recklessness.
The time has come to draw my business to a close, to hang up my boots.
The decision is one I have taken reluctantly. Along the way I have had an enormous amount of fun.
Young people are an inspiration to work with. Validating my courses has involved running workshops in school classrooms. Some of these events have had life-changing outcomes. Some, like the Cotswold Challenge, which I took part in with a number of F.L.B.C members was well received by schools and even earned comment from Gavin Williamson. It was a privilege to be involved in that project.
Few things are more frustrating than being told that I was “The best outside speaker our students have ever had on any subject,” but we haven’t got the money to invite you back.” Few things are more frustrating than being told that what I’m offering to parents is invaluable and if ever there was a business that deserved to succeed…but it’s always other parents’ kids who are going to benefit never theirs. Good for the ego but successful businesses are not built on egos.
There is, however, no reason not to offer my courses on a voluntary basis just because I won’t be paid for doing so. No-one was paying me anyway! Please let me know if you come across anyone who would appreciate me running a workshop or delivering a motivational speech. I remain a professionally trained presenter.
Over the years, I have learned so much and been inspired just by being around people like you whose values I share.
I’ll be attending the breakfast event in November but, after that, my membership will cease.
Best Wishes,